For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
Romans 10:13 KJV

I Need Jesus

Do you need Jesus? We believe Jesus is for everyone. Yes, EVERYONEIncluding YOU! Jesus loves you — no matter what you’ve done, where you’ve been, or what you’ve said. Seriously, He’s seen and heard it all. You, and the things you have said or done, are no surprise to God. He knew you and the things you were going to do before you were even born. Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you… Jeremiah 1:5 THE MESSAGE. Knowing all of that, He created each of us anyway.

God does not discriminate. He does not care about your sex, your age, the color of your skin, where you were born, who your parents are, your level of education, how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, the condition of the house you live in, or what you’ve done in the past. He loves YOU! He made you! He will meet you right where you are, in the middle of the circumstances you find yourself at this very moment. He is there for you — always and forever, no matter what.

People all over the world, in all walks of life, from different ethnic and educational backgrounds, make the decision to give their lives to Christ every day. Everyone makes that decision for different reasons or because of different circumstances — and their experience is unique to them alone. It is a moment in their lives that they will never forget. It is a time when lives change in a way that is almost impossible to explain. It is a great change —a truly new beginning in life.

I Need Jesus in My Life, I Need Jesus Right Now

How about you? Are you ready for this kind of a change? Have you had enough of where you are currently in life? Do you want to do something about it? Not sure? When you die — and you will, we all will — do you know what will happen then? Do you know for a fact where you will spend eternity? If you are not sure and you want to know for sure, or if you are simply ready to make a change in your life, it is really very simple. It is as simple as admitting that you are a sinner (we all are), believing Jesus died on the cross to take away your sins, and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord of your life.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved (Romans 10:9,10 NLT).